Reduced Testing Allowance Certificates
Terms and Conditions
ALP Consulting (DBA Budding Operations), herein referred to as “Service Provider”.
Service Provider has agreed to provide services to the Customer on the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement, while Customer is of the opinion that Service Provider has the proper and necessary qualifications, experience, and abilities to provide services to Customer.
Therefore, in consideration of the matters described above, the receipt and sufficiency of which consideration is hereby acknowledged, the Customer and the Service Provider agree as follows:
Term of Agreement
This is a free trial. The terms of this agreement expire November 1, 2023. The free trial can be canceled, and this agreement nullified by either party at any time and for any reason. The Customer can renew this service by signing up for a paid monthly package. The Customer can cancel or change their monthly package tier prior to the next billing date by notifying the Service Provider in writing.
The Customer Agrees to Provide.
· Metrc access to a Badged Budding Operations representative
· Notice of material changes as defined by Rule 1-115 and Rule 4-120(f)(1)
· Notice of change of designated contact
· If desired, Provide a company logo to appear on the certificates
The Service Provider agrees to provide.
· Determination of RTA status for your contaminant and potency required tests.
· RTA Certificates for on-hand inventory
· RTA Certificates for Harvest Batches that occur in October.
The customer has elected the FREE TRIAL.
The Customer will provide compensation to the Service Provider of $0.00 for the services rendered by the Service Provider as required by this Agreement.
Independent Contractor
The Service Provider is acting as an independent contractor in providing the Services under this Agreement, not as an employee. The parties agree that this Agreement does not create a joint venture or a partnership between them. The Service Provider will use commercially reasonable effort to provide services in this agreement to the Customer. The Service Provider is not responsible for errors, inaccuracies, or other service issues due to errors, omissions, and misrepresentations from the Customer or in the Metrc system.
Budding Operations © 2024